Friday, October 31, 2014


It's been a long time since I didn't update my blog.
Now I'm currently studying in Malaysian University of Technology (UTM).
Didn't go for Massachusetts Institute of Technology, get Malaysian University of Technology also can lahh haha.

Photo by UTM

I'm taking Degree in Civil Engineering.
I feel really really grateful that finally my path is now more clearer and I'm stepping towards my dream.
Because I dreamed of Civil Engineering for already years.

I've never went study outside of my hometown and now, I'm studying almost (oversea)^2 from my hometown since my university is located in Peninsular MY and the most bottom part of it that's almost reach Singapore. Lol.
Didn't really get culture shock. It's just when I'm studying here I'm like whoa the standard temperature is around 28 degree Celcius. I love this. Weather are usually cloudy, rainy and sometimes sunny. It's really nice.
Get to know some friends and it was... cool
Okay I don't have that much friends. Idk.

Anyway, I didn't get the UM interview I attended on my previous post since it was my third choice.
What I'm taking now is actually my first choice. Alhamdulillah. <3

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