Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stay Tuned ;)

by Shibahime
I am going to Jesselton... Tomorrow... As far then your blinking eyes, I already changed my current location on facebook... into... Jesselton.. Yeah! Huhu... I'm so happy... By the way, this post may be short... Because I'm so busy for this "Trip's Eve"... I want to finish my new blogskin, which I'll upload it soon... Just see and wait... ahaks! ;D (ish, those two words is like copied from someone @@)
By the way... Tomorrow I'm going around 7a.m. like that~ It's early right? But I still don't pack my clothes yet! It's okay for me... (chiu ==" I'm smugging! Haha... Wait me tomorrow, I must be very clumsy!-if I don't pack tonight)
After my trip to Jesselton (I'm going to the SMC [Sabah Medical Checkup] there), I'll be going back to my hometown (Victoria Island) for only two days! @@
Then, I'm going to Sabah back... For balik kampung ;) Yeah! I'm going to see my beloved cousin, Erra! ^^
Through those Jesselton, Paris and blah3 to reach Tawau... Nice place isn't it? ;D
So, maybe I won't update my blog from... Erm... 26Nov2010 until .... December... I'm not sure when on December... Okay, bye...
Stay Tuned readers ;)

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