Monday, April 19, 2010


Haha... So tired and annoyed...
From that Tuesday, I'd joined a "halus" group... (Halus = Harapan Lulus)
Maybe because my March result is worst....
I got "gagal" o!
Then so frustrated lo.... I don't know how come my result got that worst...
I was the 61st the people in form 3!
Thats why I've joined the group for ceramah...
Aiyo... So tired o...
So boring o!
Actually my result didn't get that gagal liao....
Actually is lulus de... TT
Why lar...
Every time my result comes, it always like this bad....
Although I didn't...
In that group,
The teacher (En. Jamatin) had asked us....
He asked who got lulus here?
Then I blur2.... I want raise my hand or not...
Cause my art actually gagal...
But my friend told me it won't let all result fail also...
Cause it's just an addition subject...
Then again, frustrate...
How come lar... I didn't raise my hand...
I guess that ceramah got worth also o...
It is "teknik menjawab soalan"... (Tips for answering question)
3 days we went that programme...
It's Kursus Kepimpinan Pelajar Bitara..... (I also don't really know what this means)
But it was really exhausting...
1 whole day in Semarak Hall...
Who won't bored neh?
Hearing those teacher talking~
They hope we won't get any from their talks...
But I don't think I am...
Lol~ =s Haha...
In that programme, I keep starving o!
Didn't get enough food... Haha...
Erm... What else things I want to say here....
But it's really tiring day o....
Know what?!
We group of 10...
Told to count stairs, classes, teachers and.... Many more!
Haiz~ So tired o...
Sometimes I felt regret joined it... Haha
But those teachers will scold us if we didn't come...
Cause I'm a prefect...
Every prefect, pss, prs and class monitor need to come....
So long!
Sleep time!cute kawaii white teddy sleep

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