Sunday, May 23, 2010


I bought 3 stickers already for my phone... Lol
Now so shining....
2 (black and white stickers) both from Tawau I bought last year...
That shine2 one is from Labuan also^^
Now I know Labuan stickers more expensive than Tawau...
Tawau is so affordable things got....
Last time I saw bags.... So cute2 de....
In labuan about RM 70.00
But in Tawau, RM20.00 lidat only...
I'm not sure the quality...
Otherwise, I won't see the quality for this kind of bag cause I know I won't so long like that kind of bag...
I'll easiily bored... =)
So after spoil then can buy new one... But I didn't buy pun.... Hehe

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Maira Gall